Located in the central region between the municipalities of San José de Los Remates, Santa Lucía in the department of Boaco and in the municipality of Esquipulas in the department of Matagalpa. It has an extension of 13,463 hectares. It was declared through decree 42-91 in 1991 published in the Gazette on November 4, 1991.

It presents three types of ecosystems: the semi-deciduous forest, the premontane seasonal evergreen forest and the stunted or dwarf forest; which are home to a diversity of fauna made up of 7 species of amphibians, 19 species of reptiles, and 38 species of mammals.

The most representative species of the site are the congo monkey or howler and the Spider monkey, important for their seed dispersal function or the contribution of biological controllers such as ocelot and the young lion, which intervene in the control of the populations of other animals, likewise, among the species of birds with hunting value are the peacock bass, the partridge pigeon, the toucan and the tufted magpie.


  • Hiking and Observation of flora and fauna:There is a series of ecological areas of hydric, forest and biodiversity importance, among these are Cerro Alegre waterfalls, panoramic viewpoints of the urban and rural area of ​​San José de los Remates, Peña de la Luna, the El Padre and El Mulato hills. , El Gorrión, El Castillo and Santa María.