The hills of Banacruz are located 10 kilometers northeast of the town of Siuna and south of Bonanza. It has 10,130 hectares that comprise a complex of rugged lands in which a large number of hills interrupted by small elongated valleys and fests predominate.
It was declared a protected area by Presidential Decree 42-91, published in the official newspaper La Gaceta No. 207 on November 4, 1991; this same is part of the Bosawás biosphere reserve.
It presents humid tropical forest with a precipitation range of 2,50o to 3,000 mm and a temperature of approximately 24 ° C. The forest composition is very heterogeneous, in which species such as mahogany, rubber, bamboo, royal cedar, among others predominate; housing species of fauna such as the jaguar, tapir, sahino, wild boar, deer and rabbits as the most representative mammals.