La Concordia is the cradle of the first national hero, General Benjamín Francisco Zeledón Rodríguez and the cradle of industrious, religious, hospitable and brave people.

General Benjamin Zeledón.

The municipality of La Concordia is located 197 kilometers from Managua.

It limits to the north with San Sebastián de Yalí, to the south and west with Estelí and to the east with San Rafael del Norte.

The population of the municipality is mainly dedicated to agricultural and livestock activities. The crop that stands out the most is potatoes, beans, corn, cabbage, sugar cane, sorghum, onion, tomato and non-traditional crops such as chamomile, coffee, quequisque, yucca, chayote, rice, wheat and linseed are also grown. .

Demographic data

Territorial expansion



151.02 km2 899.11 masl 7,294 inhabitants
Urbana: 1,554 - Rural: 5,719


Streets of La Concordia

You can take a bus from the Mercado El Mayoreo, in Managua, to the department of Jinotega, which normally leaves every 45 minutes. The trip is approximately two and a half hours. Upon reaching Jinotega, take a bus to Estelí. Since there is no direct transport to the municipality, it is necessary to notify the driver that you are going to La Concordia.

Also in Estelí you can take a bus with Ruta Estelí-Jinotega and ask the driver to get you off at La Concordia.

If you will make the trip by private vehicle, take the North Pan-American Highway, with the same indications, either heading towards the city of Jinotega or towards the city of Estelí. In both cases the signs will show you the way to La Concordia.


Tourist offer map


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