In Tola, even with the advancement and modernization of its infrastructure, many houses built of taquezal, a vernacular construction system, are preserved.
Its wide corridors that face the street stand out. These architectural gems are part of the downtown environment. The buildings of heritage interest that stand out are:
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church: its architecture is sober and simple. A beautiful religious temple where you can observe the sacred art that it keeps inside.
Monumental Sculpture of The Bride of Tola: Erected in commemoration of the history of La Novia de Tola, an event that occurred in 1860, where a young woman from Toledo was abandoned in the church by her fiance on her wedding day. Fact that was discussed in the city and dispersed throughout the country, until it became a play.
Park of the Heroes and Martyrs of Tola: This site is a historic place, some of the heroes and martyrs who fought in the 1979 insurrection and during the counterrevolutionary war in the 80s are buried, as well as the remains of Commander Ezequiel and Father Gaspar García Laviana.
Central Park: a place comfortably equipped with benches, children's games, drinking water, food kiosks, very frequented by the inhabitants in the afternoons to relax in a natural environment. It is an ideal place to visit with the family.
Herrera Aguilar family house: It is the oldest house in the municipality, built in 1883, located on a corner two blocks from Central Park. The architectural style is typical of the time and is a place of reference, where you can learn about the historical and architectural evolution of the city.
Municipal cemetery: where the remains of La Novia de Tola rest.
Indigenous Community Las Salinas de Nahualapa: Founded in 1877, this community preserves the organizational forms of the social structure of its ancestors; there you can observe Archaeological pieces dating back hundreds of years that have been found in almost the entire community, a guide will be in charge of telling you the story, while you observe pre-Columbian pieces of Nahuatl and Chorotega culture such as jade stones, Mombacho pottery, plate holders ceremonial, instruments used for agricultural work.
Exhibition of archaeological pieces in the El Caimito community, in the indigenous town of Nancimí, In this community there are several archaeological sites; which are a reference to the settlements of different indigenous groups that lived thousands of years ago in that place, descendants of the Nahuatl and Chorotega ethnic groups.