The El Bluff peninsula, with an extension of 1.29 km2 and eight kilometers away from the city of Bluefields, it has accumulated sediments gradually becoming a true island that closes the bay on the east side.

The marine environment is characterized by the presence of keys distributed from the northeast of the municipality continuing south to Monkey Point, where most of these rocky islands are concentrated, about two kilometers from the coastline.

The waters of the Siquia, Mico and Rama rivers converge to form the Escondido River, which together with the Kukra are the ones that most influence the behavior of Bluefields Bay, dragging a huge volume of sediment that has progressively decreased its depth. . Other significant tributaries of this bay are the Torsuani and Dokuno rivers.

Branch Cay: in an island formed by two rather rocky elevations linked together by a swampy strip about a foot above the level of Bluefields Bay, and with an average height of 12 m asl

La Bluefields Bay It is part of a coastal lagoon system with estuarine characteristics, which covers almost the entire Caribbean coastline. The water mirror of the same has an extension of 176 kilometers.

The municipality is home to three protected areas that it shares with other municipalities: the Punta Gorda Nature ReserveCerro Silva Nature Reserve and Río Indio-Maíz Biological Reserve. 

In the fauna of the municipality you can find a great variety of wild species such as deer, tigrillos, saínos, guardatinajas, iguanas, couscous and coatis; there are a variety of birds, there are also numerous species of reptiles.

Regarding the aquatic species, the lizards, cuajipales, sharks, mackerel, curvina, snook, hurel, shrimp, lobsters, and turtles, among others, stand out.

nature tourism

Branch Cay

Branch Cay

Also visit the bluefields bay It is the main route of local trade between Bluefields and the port of El Rama and international through the port of El Bluff, it has small islands of which one is the home of the Rama indigenous people, where you can observe the different boats that transit in the place , go sailing and practice sport fishing. It is opposite the town of Bluefields.

Another place of interest is the Monkey Point community, it is kriol, here you will find beaches with transparent waters and as its name indicates, domestic and wild monkeys. It is located south of Bluefields, 22 kilometers above the Caribbean Sea.

Also go to the Hog Cay Ecotourism Farm, where ecotourism and good sustainable practices are practiced, it has a great diversity of medicinal plants and trees, which you can discover through its interpretive trails. It is located within the Bay of Bluefields.

Another place of interest to visit is the New Horizons Ecotourism Farm, where you can take a tour of its crops of fruit trees and corn. It is located in Bluefields Bay, adjacent to the Musilayna River.

Cultural and community tourism

Get to know the culture of the Rama communities, characterized by its traditional houses on wooden pilates and the manual elaboration of cayucos. Visit 15 kilometers from Bluefields.

Also in the branch communities of Tik Tik Kanuu (Zompopera), its inhabitants are characterized by being connoisseurs of medicinal plants.

And in the cBangKukuk community (Eagle Point), Here you will find the majority of the speaking branches, the traditional shrimp fishing is practiced with cast nets, where you will enjoy a wonderful view towards the sea from a hill. It offers accommodation, encourage you to know the cultural richness of these communities.


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