Cerro Silva is located on the Caribbean Coast with an area of ​​292,452 hectares that extends from the coastal zone to beyond Cerro Silva itself (east-west), and is shared by the municipalities of Bluefields (with around 80% of the area protected), Rama (with approximately 10%) and Nueva Ginea (with the other 10%).

It was declared a protected area by Executive Decree 42-91, published in the official newspaper La Gaceta on November 4, 1991; with the objective of protecting the basin that flows into Bluefields and a forest management with a view to recovering the forest, not allowing commercial cutting.

It has moderately drained alluvial evergreen forest, swampy evergreen forest, gallery evergreen forest, silty mangroves and brackish alluvial coastal lagoons. It is a refuge for various species of ornamental plant species, potential ferns, orchids, bromeliads, heliconia.


  • Bird watching. in wetland and river areas.
  • Sport fishing
  • Trekking