Monument to the blue crab cornisland_arquitectura_gal1

Monument to the blue crab

Emancipation from slavery is celebrated on August 27; With this traditional celebration, the population of Corn Island recalls the encounter with their roots and the dream of freedom of their ancestors.

Oral history tells that on August 27, 1841, a warship with English and La Mosquitia authorities arrived in South West Bay to carry out the order of Queen Victoria of England to declare the freedom of all the slaves on the island.

The reaction of the freedmen was to celebrate with a crab soup, that is why every year the descendants of those slaves celebrate this historic date as the most important on the island to commemorate the day of freedom.

The celebration begins with a bullseye at 4:00 am, three hours later a parade of traditional floats departs from the South West Bay.

Later, the central event takes place in the South End, where various cultural presentations and some ancient games and traditional dances are held.

The abolition of slavery was decreed on April 24, 1824 and reached Corn Island almost 20 years later.

The traditional Kitty Ally game: It is a tradition of the Afro-descendant Creole community.

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