It is a protected area created under Decree 13-20, published in the official newspaper La Gaceta on September 8, 1983. It occupies the center of the peninsula of the same name, includes the cliffs and islets facing the Gulf of Fonseca in the western tip of Nicaragua. It has an area of ​​14,123 hectares. Characterized by its shape of a truncated cone with a maximum height of 872 meters above sea level and a crater lagoon at its bottom. It has a warm climate and vegetation where broadleaf, dry tropical forests and wetlands are found.

The fauna of the volcano is varied as it corresponds to the tropical dry forests, where important species still exist. Mammals include coyote, white-tailed deer, some felines such as jaguars and puma, collared sahino, armadillos, bee colmenero, coatis, guardatinaja, raccoon, squirrels, cucalas, howler, spider and white-faced monkeys. Among the birds are the guís, pijul, guas, pocoyo, peacock basskettle, chachalaca, red limpetyellow nape lora and white wing dove.


  • Trekking: The Jobo and Guacamaya trails lead us to the top of the Cosigüina volcano. The Los Humedales Trail is a route between ferns, swamp vegetation and birds.
  • Landscaping: As you ascend to the top of the crater, you arrive at an interesting viewpoint where you can see the territorial profiles of El Salvador and Honduras, as well as the estuaries and wetlands of Estero Real and Padre Ramos.
  • Scientific study of ecosystems
  • Exhibition sport hunting

visit him

  • Own vehicle: To get to the Cosigüina volcano, take the paved road that goes from the city of El Viejo to the community of El Congo, and continue along a dirt road that goes to the town of Potosí, located in the extreme northeast of the peninsula. of Cosigüina.
  • Public transport: There are buses that leave from Chinandega and El Viejo to Potosí, but they are not very frequent, we recommend consulting the bus terminals and local hotels for more information on schedules.