When the indigenous people who inhabited the foothills of the Amerrisque Cordillera saw that the round hill and the plain of the mesa meet, they named this site El Remate, because there both plains ended.

The town of San José de Boaco, as the town of San José de los Remates is called today, was founded on March 18, 1848, by the then director of the State of Nicaragua José Guerrero; which ordered that the scattered families and residents of Teustepe settle in the town of the auctions.

The Millennium Cross

The Millennium Cross

On August 6, 1861, by resolution of the Executive Branch, chaired by General Tomás Martínez, ratified the formation of the current municipality of San José de los Remates. On March 26, 1996, it reached the rank of city. It is a peaceful town and very attached to its religious traditions.

Artistic expressions and manifestations 

Troubadour of the 30 Brides: For more than half a century, the residents of San José de los Remates have seen him playing the guitar "a tuto" late at night in search of a maiden to delight her with a romantic serenade.

The youngest have remembered him for 25 years playing next to the altar of the Parish every Sunday and on the feast days of the different saints that Catholics usually celebrate.

His name is Evaristo Loaisiga TreminioHe is 66 years old and since he learned to play the guitar by ear, when he was a 15-year-old teenager, he found in it his most faithful companion. He has contributed to the history and culture of the town.

Craft trades 

Don Indalecio Espinosa in his carpentry workshop makes different types of wooden furniture for the home.


The settlers say that in the old days the goblins or mocking spirits would come to the houses where there were pretty girls and at night they would put flowers on their beds, and when they went to bring water they would make their way angry. The frightened girls were afraid to go out alone because the goblins followed them everywhere to take them to the caves where they lived.

Other sites of historical and cultural interest 

Petroglyphs in the El Cerro community

Petroglyphs in the El Cerro community

The Millennium Cross Monument: there is a viewpoint with beautiful panoramic views, on a clear night you can see the lights of Granada and Cerro Negro.

Petroglyphs of the San Bartolo community: a historical site that shows 35 stones with figures made by our ancestors, I toured the area and learned about the stories and legends of the town in the voice of its inhabitants, also in the El Cerro community there are engravings on stones that date from pre-Hispanic times.


The crafts offered by San José de los Remates are carved in wood, pita and clay.

Images carved in wood, furniture of different styles made by hand, pita crafts (hats and ornaments), utilitarian crafts (pots, jars, comales, ornaments, among others) stand out.

In the leather workshops in the urban sector you will find packs, lockers, covers for knives and machetes, wallets, among others.


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