Meals traditional. The gallo pinto, nacatamal, montuca, güirilas, beef in corn rice, hen in corn rice, corn rice, marriage, caure, stews of tender beans, chilotes, pork skin in beans, meatball soup and Chicken with coarse ground corn, pisque tamale, sweet tamale, nestified tamale, bean soup, enchorized meat, mincemeat and chanfaina.

Chicken soup

In loaves of bread donuts, shortbread, la semita, sugary bread and simple bun bread stand out.

The confectionery preferred are the buñuelos, torrejas, donuts in honey, the coconut cajeta, milk cajeta, chimbos eggs, and piñonate,

And the drinks the coffee, sozolca or unfermented corn chicha, pinolillo, fresh jícaro seed, pozol, corn atol, tiste, warm pinol, pinol cooked with milk and cususa.


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