Jinotega donuts

Jinotega donuts

The outstanding gastronomy of this municipality, in meals the favorites are chorreadas güirilas, pork leg soup, stuffed tamale pinch, Cooked camagües beans, güirila, curd soup, Indian chicken meatball soup.

In the Saturday dinner of the Jinotegans, you cannot miss a delicious nacatamal, with that northern touch that differentiates it from the other regions of the country.

In sweets, sweet empanadas, semita de trigo or semita negra, donuts, old, Puff pastry, rosquetes, coconut and milk cajetas, piñonates, coyolitos, the popular "mother-in-law's tongue", chimbos eggs and mousses.

The drinks and frescoes that are most tasted in this region are naranjilla fresco, coffee liqueur, and the most representative of the municipality is agua loja, a traditional drink for the celebration of the shouting.

For the corn harvest seasons, it is characteristic to taste a traditional "atolera", you have the option of savoring a delicious sweet atole or a sour atole. Cooked and roasted corn, sweet tamales, green corn cake, panelas and perrerreque are also made.


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