Bean enchilada

The outstanding dishes of Matagalpa are the bean enchiladas, meat enchiladas with rice, head of pig in pozol, güirila, curd soup with cream and milk, squash and guanacaste seed cakes, tayuyá, Creole chicken meatball soup, tacos; and the prepared platanitos with ground beans with cream and salad and the pijibay mouths.

Dough fritters

The traditional sweets are the espadilla flower syrup, kisses, bienmesabe, bean cajeta or bean anté, cusnaca, marshmallows, donkey's milk, fig syrup, dough fritters, coconut boxes and milk boxes.

The traditional drinks are naranjilla, coffee, grapefruit, passion fruit, cocoa, chocolate, white corn atol, pujagua corn atol, pinolillo, white pinol and sweet atol.

There are more dishes to enjoy: chanfaina, chorizo, moronga, pisque tamale, old Indian, pozol, pinol with chan, chicha de guacalito de maize born and agualoja.

  • Sweets: motajatol made with piñuelas.
  • Due to the cold climate and the culture of natural medicine, different types of teas and hot drinks are commonly consumed, among the most common: lemon grass, tizana, D-Tilo, chamomile, Mostelas.


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