La food typical local is based on the agricultural and lake products that the moyogalpinos have in their environment. The fish are called in feminine for example "the little fish" and they always accompany their meals with food derived from bananas, the consumption of tortillas is very rare.
Among the particular recipes that are enjoyed in Moyogalpa we can list the smooth soup, fish soup, clam soup, roast meat with slices, fried mojarra, red mojarra, smoked mojarra, stuffed, sardine cakes, dried fish rice and ceviche of fish.
Amongst the confectionery Traditional of the municipality are the cassava fritters, mango jam, guava jam, pineapple jam, preserved fruits, papaya syrup and other fruits.
In terms of pan We found the sweet peaks, baked goods, puddings and empanadas stuffed with cheese.
In the drinks and natural fresh characteristic of the Moyogalpine table are the various natural fruit juices, depending on the season: pineapple, papaya, mango, watermelon, pitahaya, passion fruit, milk with banana, as well as corn chicha, ginger chicha, horchata, cocoa and atol.
A special tasting In local families at Easter it is salted fish in rice, with sardines, iguana pinol, turtle stew and Lenten syrups.
Every year several tourist fairs are held in the municipality, among which is the so-called "Ometepe Expo”And the gastronomic fair, these events are ideal moments to savor local dishes.
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