The Traditional dishes They are the nacatamal, gallo pinto, güirila, tender bean stews, potato with corn dough, pipián, ayote and chilote corn.

Corn tamales

Corn tamales

Also the meatball soup, curd soup, bean soup, chicken soup with coarse ground corn, products derived from milk (curd and cheese) and fried slices of green plantain.

The favorite breads They are donuts, puff pastries, cajetas, rosquetes, wheat semitas and sweet and simple breads.

La traditional candy store They are the flakes, buñuelos, cusnaca, ayote in honey, panela, alfeñique, cane candy, syrups during Holy Week, candies, and mango jellies and Caribbean banana and ripe banana coyolitos.

The drinks of the municipality are the corn atol, pinolillo, jícaro seed, cocoa with milk, pozol, pozol with milk, warm pinol, pinol cooked with milk, corn chicha, sugar cane juice, cususa rum, potato wines , peach and jamaica.


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