Our Lady of the Assumption Cathedral. The first temple in Juigalpa was built with adobe walls, a thatched roof and a dirt floor (1648-1699). The current church is the product of the constructive evolution of the building. Its construction dates back to the 60s of the last century. The Church has wooden images such as the image of Christ of the Descent, that of Perpetual Help and that of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. All the images are European: The Immaculate Conception and the Assumption are French; the others are Spanish.

Our Lady of the Assumption Cathedral (Juigalpa)

Our Lady of the Assumption Cathedral

Birthplace of Josefa Toledo de Aguerri. It is the residence where the distinguished educator, writer and feminist pioneer in Nicaragua, Josefa Toledo de Aguerri (1866-1962), was born. This construction was declared Cultural Patrimony of the Nation in 2005, it is located in the corner opposite the Central Park of Juigalpa, northwest side.

Public Monuments. The Shiner Monument. It was inaugurated in 1993. It is named “Chaco”, in honor of former mayor Isaac Deleo (RIP). They are in the Central Park and a plaque is placed that says "Honest work dignifies man."

Monument of the Mazorca. Installed in 1996 to represent the culture of corn together with heads of cattle that represent livestock as a historical activity of the municipality. It is located at the Palo Solo viewpoint.

Monument to the Working Women of Juigalpa. It is an upright woman with a basket of fruit placed in front of her. The work was installed in 2012 and is located on the street of the boulevard.


Livestock Monument

Monument to the mother. It was erected in the Central Park of the city and is a tribute to the love and dedication of the Juigalpine mothers.

Monument to cattle ranching in Chontal. It is a work of master Federico Matus Vega and was inaugurated in 2018.

Urban tourism

To recreate yourself in a safe and calm environment, visit the Central Park, equipped with benches, lights, free Wi-Fi Internet connection, recreation and leisure spaces for adults and children.

Meet the lookout park and Palo Solo restaurant. It is an emblematic place in Juigalpa for its beautiful view of the Amerrique mountains and the Mayales river valley. Here you will enjoy a quiet environment, heated by nature, with a varied gastronomic offer and live music.

El sandino viewpoint, built on the popular hill of Tamanes, offers a complete panoramic view of the city and the natural environment of the municipality.


Thomas Belt Zoo

El Thomas Belt Zoo It houses a large population of native and exotic fauna, a dense forest, arboretum, orchid garden, children's play area and an auditorium for various activities.

The monumental bullring Vicente Hurtado, "catarran", is considered by many as the cathedral of the bullfighting tradition of Chontales. Bullfighting evenings are famous for the courage of the raffles, campists and riders, and for the bravery of the bulls.

El Happy Childhood Park, with modern and safe playgrounds, and the Rubén Darío Park, with its amphitheater, are spaces for family relaxation and recreation.

Plaza Taurina Humberto and Isabel Mongrío. It is a modern construction in which crowded bullfighting events and agricultural fairs are held.

La livestock auctionLa Chontalean" It can be visited to learn about the commercialization of hundreds of heads of cattle. On a permanent basis, ranchers from all over the department meet to offer their best animals. It is located in the Las Lajitas community, about 5 kms. north of the city of Juigalpa.


Tourist Offer Map


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