The territory Quezalguaque is considered one of the oldest indigenous towns in the region, it belonged to the Cacicazgo de Sutiaba. Settled on the banks of the Quezalguaque River, which means "Place of Quetzals" or "City of the Quetzals".

With more than five centuries of history, its origin is attributed to groups of indigenous people who emigrated from Sutiaba, before the arrival of the Spanish. The town of Quezalguaque communicates by river with the indigenous town of Sutiaba and through an old road used by the indigenous people.

Cane cultivation.

The municipality is 118 kilometers from the capital Managua and 15 kilometers north of the city of León. It limits to the north with the municipalities of Posoltega and Telica; to the south with León, to the east with Telica and to the west with the municipalities of Posoltega and Chichigalpa.

The fundamental economic activity of the municipality is agriculture with crops of soybeans, peanuts, sorghum, rice, sesame, sugar cane, corn and beans.

Demographic data

Territorial expansion



85.70 km2 90.00 m asl 9,663 inhabitants
Urban: 1,716 - Rural: 7,947


To get to the municipality of Quezalguaque, from Managua, you must take a bus at the terminals located in the Israel Lewites Market and in front of the Casimiro Sotelo Montenegro National University, bound for the city of León. Once at the León terminal, board a bus bound for Quetzalguaque.

By vehicle, travel to the city of León and, on the detour to Chinandega, drive approximately 15 kilometers until you find the sign for the entrance of the municipality of Quezalguaque.



Tourist offer map


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