Cusmapa is a term from the Nahuatl language, the same one spoken by the ancient inhabitants of that territory, which derives from cus=mountain, and map=high place, whose meaning is attributable to "place of high mountains". On January 06, 1963, it was elevated to the category of municipality.

Entrance to the municipality

The municipality of San José de Cusmapa is located 251 kilometers from the city of Managua.

It limits to the north with Las Sabanas, to the northeast with the sister Republic of Honduras, to the south and east with San Juan de Limay, Estelí department, and to the west with San Francisco del Norte.

The fundamental economic activity of the municipality is agriculture, livestock and coffee on a small scale; as well as the cultivation of basic grains such as corn, beans and sorghum, for local consumption.

Demographic data

Territorial expansion



129.92 km2 1280 masl 7,983 inhabitants
Urbana: 1,862 - Rural: 6,121


You can get to San José de Cusmapa by taking the express that leaves Managua, at the bus terminal of Mercado El Mayoreo, at 7:15 am bound for Somoto. Then take a bus that goes to San José de Cusmapa.

Means of public transport.

If you travel by private vehicle, you must drive on the North Pan-American Highway, turn off towards Somoto and then take the road that leads to San Lucas, Las Sabanas, and whose final destination is San José de Cusmapa.


Tourist offer map


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