Sandy Bay Sirpy

Homonymous municipality to the mouth of the Río Grande de Matagalpa in the Caribbean Sea, so it has a high potential for marine resources such as shrimp, lobsters and a variety of species. It has an incomparable natural wealth, delineated by rivers, lagoons, pipes, wetlands that together with its beaches offer the opportunity to enjoy. Its multiethnic, multilingual, mostly Miskito culture concentrated in scattered communities, maintaining many of its own traditional organizational systems and institutions.

The mouth of the Rio Grande is located 470 kilometers from Managua, the capital of Nicaragua. It limits to the north with Prinzapolka, to the south with Laguna de Perlas, to the east with the Caribbean Sea and to the west with the municipalities of La Cruz de Río Grande and El Tortuguero.

The main productive activity is fishing. Agriculture is for self-consumption with basic grain crops as subsistence, mainly rice and beans. Tubers such as yucca, quequisque and taro are also grown.

Demographic data

Territorial expansion



1,738.29 km2 5.00 masl 6,329 inhabitants
Urbana: 2,826 - Rural: 1,103


From Managua you must board a bus at the Mercado El Mayoreo terminal bound for Bluefields If you travel by private vehicle from Managua you will take the North Pan-American Highway until you reach Bluefields, or if an alternative route from Managua you must board a bus at the terminal of the Mercado El Mayoreo bound for El Rama, from there you must take a speedboat that goes to Bluefields.

While in Bluefields, go to the municipal market located in the central neighborhood of Bluefields, arriving at the JIPE terminal, board one of the speedboats of the Jipe Company that go to the mouth of the Rio Grande. Your itinerary is from Monday to Saturday at 11:30 AM. On this tour from Bluefields you can see the natural environment of the hidden river, the Kukra River, passing through the beautiful community of Houlover and the pearl lagoon, passing through the Top Lock lagoon and the mouth of the Rio Grande.


Tourist offer map


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