Surrounding mountains of the municipality.

Comalapa is located in the extreme northwest of the department of Chontales, at the beginning of the mountainous system that culminates with the Sierra de Amerrique. It comprises a wide coastal area that includes the wetlands of La Pitahaya, the historic La Pelona peninsula, the coasts and the Santa Clara estuary. In front of Lake Cocibolca rise the hills of Jicotepe, Piedras Pintadas, Santa Clara and La Pitahaya. Towards the northeast, the mountains of Miragua and Oluma stand out, the latter shared with the municipality of San Francisco de Cuapa.

The Cuisalá, El Naranjo, Cofradía, El Jocote and Tecolostote rivers (border with Boaco) irrigate the irregular relief of the municipality. These rivers are visited in the summer season and families practice artisanal fishing in them due to the presence of guapates, mojarras and sabaletes.

near the hilly Miragua hill There are mysterious caves that, judging by the remains found, could have been inhabited by primitive men.

Among the species of flora representative are: cuts, black wood, espavel, pochote, chiquirín, jiñocuabo, equal, mangoes, jocotes, cashews, white guanacaste and ear, genizaro, ceiba, helequeme, jobo, toasted leaf, aromo, mahogany, cedar and laurel.

The fauna is made up of: rabbits, chocoyos zapoyol and chanero, herons, güis, sparrowhawk, white-winged doves, magpie, oriole, boa, rattlesnake, mockingbird, chichiltote, white-tailed deer, bare-tailed and thorny foxes, squirrel, pig duck, turtles and a great variety of freshwater fish.


Pitahaya Wetlands

nature tourism 

The viewpoint of Las Cruces hill offers a wide view of the landscape and the city of Comalapa. It is a short distance from the town center and its ascent is relatively easy.

The Virgin pool, formerly called La Chocolatera, owes its name to the image of a virgin appearing on a rock. It is ideal for resting, hiking and observing flora and fauna.

In the coastal area of ​​the municipality you can take boat trips on the Tecolostote River, leaving from La Ceibita; Navigate the waters of the lake to skirt the wetlands of La Pitahaya and spot the imposing Piedra del Toro. You can also visit the historic peninsula of La Pelona, ​​which during the winter is converted into an island by rising waters. The community of Santa Clara has beaches and its families prepare exquisite fried fish for visitors. Access to these points can be through La Mata, in the direction of Piedras Pintadas, and through El Papayal.

The Miragua hill It can be traveled to enjoy its mountain climate and its large bird life. Its caves keep mysterious stories and in its surroundings you can climb the huge rocks that are scattered everywhere.

The waterfall El Naranjo It is a refreshing natural space. Its deep pools El Helequeme and El Rosario are very crowded in the summer season. At the top of the jump there is a rock known as "The face of the sun" where a figure can be seen. It is located two kilometers from the urban sector, in the El Naranjo community.

Tourism rural

This option is offered Las Delicias farm surrounded by beautiful natural spaces. It is a cattle farm that offers the opportunity to live the experience in the field, participating in daily activities such as helping with the herding of cattle and milking, horseback riding and learning to make curds or tortillas. It is located seven kilometers north of the town center.

La Santa Teresita Farm, in the Talpetate community, it is a reference for livestock and municipal culture. Its great building is one hundred years old and you can learn about the history of its former owners.

Cuisala It is the hacienda of greater reference in Comalapa. Its history, characters, legends and extension prove it. The old mansion is preserved in good condition and it exhibits furniture from past centuries.

The road that connects Comalapa with Cuapa is an old route to travel and appreciate the tranquility of its landscapes. Many cattle properties are found along the way.


Tourist Offer Map


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