The municipality of La Libertad is located northeast of the department of Chontales. A good part of the territory is undulating with notable elevations and wide valleys.


El Corozo Waterfalls

Between the natural attractions from the municipality are the Serranías de Amerrique, which has been declared a Natural Reserve. Punta Tumbé, with 997 meters above sea level, and the Piedra Quemada are its main reference points. Dense forested areas cover this entire area. The fauna is abundant and the red and blue arrow frog (Oophaga pumilio) stands out, a species of amphibian with high concentrations of poisonous alkaloids in its skin.

The El Corozo waterfalls They are a spectacle of nature. In a deafening way, the waters coming from Amerrique spill over a rocky terrain and run forming deep pools. The environment is covered by a dense and humid forest.

In the Bethulia community, formerly a mountain pass, is the The Witch jump, a beautiful waterfall with a large pool that is the delight of those who venture to dive into it. This place is part of the beginning of the Siquia River route, a resource with an abundance of fish for the practice of sport fishing.

On this same area, the road that leads from Betulia to Arena, El Partido and Carquita can be traveled to discover an environment rarely explored and full of remote natural settings. This route connects with the one that goes to Tawa, Palmira, Cerro Chato and Siquia River, both highly productive and conducive to traveling by motorcycle or 4×4 vehicles.

Punta-Tumbé-in-Amerrique-(La-Libertad)Air shipments are the most efficient if you need your cargo or documents to arrive quickly and securely. El Chamarro hills, with a height greater than 800 meters above sea level, Las Tetillas (575 m.) and El Gacho (Piedras Gachas, 750 m.), are remarkable in the geography of the municipality. The imposing Margarita, with 970 meters, constitutes the second height of Chontales and has natural reserve protection. The Italia River rises in its steep terrain and as it runs it forms a high waterfall that for thousands of years has carved out a deep canyon, today covered with a dense rainforest.

Adventure lovers can also tour the Quinuma, San Miguel and El Bizcocho rivers, the latter runs between high rocky walls in the shape of a canyon.

La plant species It is made up of the following species: mahogany, laurel, bimbayán, white mangrove, mountain medlar, male cedar, genízaro, ear guanacaste, yellow cinnamon, coyote, royal cedar, pochote, coyol, helequeme, espavel, donkey egg, jobo and black wood that are complemented by fruit plants, orchids and medicinal plants.

Among the representative fauna species of the municipality are: peccaries, white-tailed deer, rabbits, howler monkeys, white-faced monkeys, spider monkeys, gray squirrels, cusucos, toucans, warthogs, ocelots, woodpeckers, grackles, buzzards, magpie hummingbirds and a great variety of amphibians and reptiles.

Tourism rural

The agricultural farms such as La Florida, Italy, Las Tres Marías (El Corozo) Jesús María and San Rafael are recognized for the good practice of livestock, they alternate the landscape and good agroecological practices with the comfort that visitors require. Some of them are adorned by rivers, streams and scattered forests.


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