The municipality of Somoto has an approximate height of 700 m asl, the highest point is represented by the top of the hill / volcano of Tepesomoto with 1,730 m asl located to the south of the city; a second important point due to its height is the Cerro El Apante, with 1,585 m asl and the lowest point is located at 420 m asl in the plains of the Río Coco.
Among the important natural sites is the Piedras Pintadas Archaeological Park and Environmental Interpretation Center, those that offer their visitors educational and recreational activities.
There you can see a large number of petroglyphs in an immense cliff, the viewpoints are impressive and the short and adventurous walks are a great attraction.
El Somoto Canyon It is located 14 kilometers from the urban area, it has great scenic beauty, where majestic walls of solid rock stand more than 100 meters high, inhabited by a great variety of birds and plants, as well as countless multicolored butterflies and insects. and the nocturnal bats. The stay on this site is at least one day.
The services and activities that can be carried out in the Canyon are the tours in a wooden or pneumatic boat along the route of the canyon, and you can also take some walks to observe the flora and fauna.
El Apante Hill: in this site you can make tours of the natural forest trails, observe birds and flora characteristic of the municipality, you can also get to know the communities surrounding this protected area. It is located in the rural area of the municipality. This site does not have tourist services, however you can arrive in the company of a guide or baqueano from the community, for greater security.
El Rio Coco Geopark It covers the municipalities of Somoto, Totogalpa, San Lucas, Las Sabanas and San José de Cusmapa in the department of Madriz, comprising almost 1,000 square kilometers.
On July 7, 2020, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO declared official the designation of the new Río Coco Geopark to the Global Network of Geoparks.
The municipality's hydrographic network is usually attractive sites for observing the landscape, among the main rivers are the Coco or Segovia River, the Tapacalí River, the Inalí River and the Musunce River.
The pine forest is confined to the mountains of the municipality, dominated mainly by the ocote pine species. The mixed forest has a high concentration of humidity, lush vegetation and the incidence of epiphytic plants on the trunks of the trees. Pine and oak species dominate.
Among the representative fauna species are the garrobo, raccoon, white-tailed deer, guardatinaja, rabbit, guatusa, stingless bee; highlights a bird popularly called Alma de Perro or Corre Camino, kingfisher, tilapia, water otter and mojarras.
It was declared a National Monument, being the first time that a territory is declared a Protected Area using its geological value as the main criterion.
Tepesomoto La Patasta Nature Reserve: you can make tours of the place, as well as observe oak forest, enjoy the flora and fauna of the site.
This place does not have tourist services so it is recommended to travel in the company of a guide or baqueano from the community. It is located south of the city of Somoto.
Tourist Offer Map