The municipality of Telica is located in a volcanic and mountainous system in the northeast sector, represented by a section of the Maribios or Marrabios mountain range; the Telica volcano, presents frequent fumarolic activity with ash eruptions.
El Volcan Telica It is one of the six most active volcanoes in Nicaragua with frequent eruptions, it has large craters 120 meters deep and 700 meters in diameter. The landscape of the volcano is impressive, from the valley you can see how the walls of the crater rise, until you reach the summit, which due to the volcanic activity is devoid of vegetation.
The Santa Clara volcano, located in the San Jacinto Valley, is located within the Telica-Rota protected area. It is an inactive volcano, with a symmetrical cone in which its eroded flanks can be seen. The vegetation is little, due to the extraction carried out by the population, but climbing this volcano is an adventure and the landscape from the top is something of singular beauty. Hervideros of San Jacinto They are made up of hot mud fumaroles, connected to the Telica Volcano and the extinct Santa Clara Volcano. Los hervideros are a geological fault with intense geothermal activity, which can be appreciated directly on the surface of the ground, the inhabitants ascribe healing properties to it. The walks in the surrounding areas constitute one of the great attractions of the area.
The El Chorro hot springs, located north of Los Hervideros de San Jacinto, are of volcanic origin and come from the Santa Clara volcano and the hervideros. A very quiet place that invites you to explore nearby roads and trails. Although the vegetation is not very well preserved, it serves as a shelter for birds and small mammals and reptiles.Another of the natural landmarks is the hill El Cacao, which still conserves a dry forest intervened at the summit. The way to the top is very entertaining, since you can see the vegetation and beautiful landscapes of the plain of the municipality, which shows a mosaic of productive activities and isolated patches of forest.
Some of the rivers that cross the municipality still conserve gallery forest on their banks, this helps to maintain some species of fauna that may surprise you while you go on excursions. Among these rivers, the Telica, El Galileo and Quebrada de Las Yeguas stand out.
The municipality's ecosystem is varied, among them the following stand out:
Lowland or submontane deciduous broadleaf tropical forest: It is generally located in the highest places in the municipality and in tree-lined ravines. It has a certain degree of intervention and is very important for the conservation of biodiversity. Vegetation loses much of its foliage during the summer.
Sparsely vegetated lava flow: In it you can see some ferns, orchids and species that adapt to the rock or places with very little soil such as the jiñocuabo, the sardinillo and the sacuanjoche.
Agricultural system: it is represented by annual crops with a high degree of mechanization, such as soybeans, peanuts and sorghum. The small and medium production is composed of corn, beans, sorghum, sesame crops, these are sown in the plains and on the Maribios mountain range. To the north of the mountain range of volcanoes there are important irrigated rice plantations.
Coffee plantation with shade: It is found mainly in the La Pelona volcanic formation, they use natural shade and are found in the highest parts. Among the representative species of flora, there are macuelizo oaks, ear guanacaste, sardinillo, sacuanjoche, guácimo de calf, tigüilote, jiñocuabo, acetuno, quebracho, nancite, cortez, güiligüiste, chocoyito, melero, strawberry tree, black wood.
You can still see some species of fauna such as deer, raccoons, armadillos, guardatinaja, rabbits, garrobos, iguanas, rattlesnake, tufted magpie, charraleros, carrots, pijules, stews, the toledo, warty toad, among others.
Community rural tourism
The Cooperativa COTUR, RL, offers tours between the hervideros and the Telica volcano. Take a tour along a path that crosses the El Ojochal community to the Aguas Frías community. Here you can get to know small sources of hot springs and forest areas, and share with the communities.The Cooperativa Hervideros de San Jacinto y sus Volcanes RL offers recreational activities such as horseback riding and tours in the buffer area of the Santa Clara Volcano.
You can also visit the Telica-Rota Cooperative, in the Aguas Frías community. This cooperative offers you the opportunity to get to know these colossi, so that you can enjoy all their splendor, doing guided trails, horseback riding, general exhibitions of the place. It offers you food and coexistence with the community.
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