Punta Gorda is located in the municipality of Bluefields, the protected area was declared in 1991 and integrated into the Rio San Juan Biosphere Reserve in 1999 by decree 66-99, it has an area of ​​63,792 hectares.

It has ecosystems, evergreen forest, riverine and swamp forest; that are home to a diversity of flora and fauna species that thrive in the Caribbean region, which mean benefits for the communities and their inhabitants.

The most relevant bird species reported are the osprey, macaws and chocoyos (amazona autumnalis, amazona auropalliata and amazona farinosa); other species that stand out are the peacock bass and the chachalaca. Among the mammals, it is possible to observe monkeys, gopher, seraphim, trigarchy sloth, bigarfied sloth and giant anthill.


  • Bird watching in wetland and river areas
  • Sport fishing
  • Trekking