Religious holidays are dedicated to Nuestra Señora del Carmen, patron of the municipality. It is celebrated on July 16 with great devotion on the part of the inhabitants.

The solemnity begins with the vigil of the 15th, all night until 12:00 midnight, there the 13 communities of the municipality appear and offer signs of gratitude for the favors received from the Virgin.

Nuestra Señora del Carmen

On July 16, the image goes out in procession, starting the tour at the monument in his honor, it goes through the main streets of the city accompanied by children dressed as angels, and some promising people who go barefoot paying promises.

The residents of Río Blanco also worship San Francisco and celebrate Bible Day in September.

Other religious customs
The residents of Río Blanco also celebrate the festivities of Saint Francis of Assisi on October 4, and celebrate Bible Day on September 29, the celebration of the Purísima with its novenas in the afternoons and on December XNUMXth afterwards. After the ringing of the bell, the population comes out to sing to the Virgin and the mayor's office creates a municipal altar to the Virgin of Concepción. Another of the festivities that takes place is the celebration of the Virgin of Guadalupe, a Christmas party that is a tradition of all the families from Rio Blanco who decorate their homes and gather for family dinner.

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