The municipality has diverse ecosystems, dense high forests, dense low forests, passing through savannas, swamps and intermittent lagoons, being the wetland ecosystem the most representative in the region.

Nicaragua Lake

The fauna of the area presents a great diversity of birds, the best known of which are herons, ducks and the kingfisher; also other species such as: cuajipal, black lizard, turtles, iguanas, garrobos, chameleons, lizards, and snakes.

In mammals, the most representative are deer, tinajas, cusucos, mountain pigs, pisotes, howler monkeys, sloths, anteaters, otters or water dogs, guatusas, bats; jaguars are also found. Given the presence of swamps, rivers and Lake Cocibolca, the fish are particularly exuberant, finding species such as gaspares, guapotes, mojarras, guabinas, snook, machacas, roncadores and tilapia.

The use of the land is mainly oriented towards agricultural activity, tasks to which most of the population is dedicated, taking advantage of a diversification of crops such as basic grains (corn, rice, beans), and perennial crops (cocoa, orange, musaceae). ), this agricultural activity is so important that it represents the primary sector of the municipality. The second important activity in the municipality is livestock.

In the municipality the predominant climate is the tropical monsoon jungle, which covers the municipality in almost its entirety, the tropical jungle climate is found in a very small proportion.

San Carlos is a fairly humid municipality, with a maximum rainfall of 2,400 mm. and a minimum rainfall of 2,000 mm., distributed in a period of nine months that goes from May to January and the summer period is three months.

San Carlos has a very dynamic hydrography, its surface water resources are abundant, particularly due to the presence of Lake Cocibolca, among the main rivers we have the Río San Juan, to the south of the municipality and in the north region the tributaries of the left bank of said river, among which the following stand out: Melchora, Medio Queso, Palo de Arco, Pizote, Viejo, Papaturro, Saíno, Zapote, Río Frío and Estero Boca Negra .

Los Guatuzos-Papaturro Wildlife Refuge

The archipelago of Solentiname with an extension of 190 km2, consists of 36 islands or islets that are inhabited by abundant wild nature, the main ones due to their size and number of inhabitants are: San Fernando Island and La Venada Island, Mancarroncito Island and Mancarrón, the latter being the largest in territorial extension and where the “Nuestra Señora de Solentiname” Church is located, founded by Father Ernesto Cardenal. The archipelago is located 25 kms. To the west of the municipality of San Carlos, properly on the waters of Lake Cocibolca, you can get there by taking a boat that leaves from San Carlos and the tour lasts 45 minutes.

Another of the islands recognized for being the habitat and the only place in the archipelago where herds of howler monkeys are found, is El Padre Island or Los Monos Islands. An ideal place for bird watching is Isla Zapote, also known as Isla de los Pájaros for the variety of bird species that inhabit it.

Los Guatuzos-Papaturro Wildlife Refuge It was declared the first wetland of world importance in Nicaragua as a RAMSAR site, it houses a large number of species of flora and fauna, it has an ecological center and a community shelter, thanks to its great wild biodiversity you can take aquatic and terrestrial trails, where you will visit a butterfly farm, a turtle hatchery and a caimanario. It is located on the southern shore of the lake, on the banks of the Papaturro River, 45 km. of San Carlos.

Rio frio: The Rio Frio is part of the Los Guatuzos Wildlife Refuge, from San Carlos you can take interpretive tours by boat or kayak, to observe birds, monkeys, iguanas, turtles.


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