Among the most important natural attractions is the Coco or Wangki River, considered the longest tributary in Central America. It is born in the Somoto Canyon, with the waters of the Comalí and Tapacalí rivers, then passes through Wiwilí with the contributions of the Macuelizo, Dipilto, Estelí, Jícaro, Pantasma and El Cua rivers.

Coco River

The natural environment of the Coco River and the surroundings makes it an ideal place for excursions and contact with nature. The boat rides allow you to learn about artisanal fishing, the dynamics of the river and the importance of the resource for the local culture.

Kilambe hill, which is a massif or set of hills whose main heights are: Kilambé, Las Nubes (1689 masl), the edge of Las Ventanas (1630 masl), El Chorro (1626 masl), La Peña (1526 masl) and the Peña del Gigante (1484 masl).

The Kilambé massif is located east of the town of Wiwilí and is one of the highest reliefs in the country at 1750 meters above sea level, it is a very rich destination in hydrography since it is surrounded by the Bocay, Yukalwás, El Cua and Coco river. It has cliffs of impressive heights, a temperate climate and cloud forest vegetation that is very important due to the presence of plants and animals rare in other parts of the country.

Specific sites that can be visited in the municipality are the Caballo Blanco waterfall, Caballo Blanco petroglyphs, petroglyphs in Quebrada del Caracol in Plan de Grama and Piedra de los Micos petroglyphs, in El Diamante; El Diamante Waterfall, Puerto Lindo Pier, Casa de Piedra Cave, La Bujona, Quetzal Sanctuary, Las Minitas de Kilambé, Pantasma Valley, Las Orquídeas agroecotourism farm and La Joba farm. All surrounded by a peaceful nature and accompanied by the cordiality of the inhabitants, the vast majority of these sites are suitable for the development of scientific tourism.

nature tourism 

The Cerro Kilambé Nature Reserve 

The Cerro Kilambé Nature Reserve was created by Presidential Decree on November 4, 1991 and has an area of ​​approximately 12,500 hectares.

This natural reserve, known as the thunder stone because it is used as an accommodation for tectonic plates, is one of the core areas of the BOSAWAS Biosphere Reserve, which was recognized by the Man and the Biosphere Program (MAB-UNESCO) in October 1997; and ratified by the Government of Nicaragua in 2001, through Law 407 "Law that Declares and Defines the BOSAWAS Biosphere Reserve" and which is made up of six protected areas, you can do scientific tourism, knowing the particularities of this area.

The reserve offers accommodation, food, tourist guides and different tours that allow you to have contact with nature and with the population of the area, leaving direct benefits to the community and a unique coexistence experience with your visit.

Kilambé Hill

With the guides you can go hiking, visit the butterfly farm and the orchid area, you will have the opportunity to get to know one of the largest ferns in the world, go horseback riding, bird watching where exotic species such as guardabarrancos, quetzals and orioles stand out, bull riding , coffee tour, observation of petroglyphs, cultural nights and stories about the deed of General Augusto C. Sandino, who passed through this area.

It is located approximately 7 kilometers east of Wiwilí. To arrive by private transport you must take the road to Kilambe and use a 4 × 4 vehicle. You can also board a public truck that leaves daily from the municipality. It is recommended to coordinate with the tourist promoters of the municipal mayor's office.

Waterfall of Finca Luz y Sombra, It is located a few meters from the hacienda house, it is an impressive waterfall of approximately 40 meters high. The site is home to swallow nests, according to the inhabitants they leave at three in the afternoon to flutter, impressing all visitors.

The farm where the waterfall is located has 20 blocks of extension and is dedicated to the production of coffee, corn and beans, in addition to the forest where you can observe animals such as howler monkeys, deer, tapirs and birds such as the chachalaca.

It is located 3 kilometers from Wiwilí in the Laguna Verde No. 2 community, from the Osman Alfaro School, 500 meters to the west. It is recommended to coordinate the visit with the owner or the tourism promoters of the municipal mayor's office.

La Diamond Borbollones Waterfall At Finca La Fuente there is a waterfall coming from the Kilambé hill, with a height of approximately 40 meters, in its surroundings there is vast vegetation and the presence of large rocks that reveal a beautiful setting and create a pleasant cold climate for the visitor. .

The site is within the fInca The Source It has 19 blocks and is dedicated to the production of coffee and bananas, which makes it easier for the visitor, in addition to making tours of the wooded area until reaching the waterfall, to get to know the coffee and banana plantations, tasting after the tour a delicious Cup of coffee. It is located in the El Diamante community, 12 kilometers from Wiwilí, from the Rayo de Luz Church 1 km. To the East.

Yakalwás Caves It is a natural site, but little explored, ideal for observing the rock formation and the external landscape, as well as learning about the Legend of the Goblins, where, according to the inhabitants, it is the home of these little characters.

It is located in farm Las Naranjas, in the Quebraditas community of Yakalwás, at the Danilo Rugama junction, 800 varas to the northwest.

Yakalwas Ravine In the San Diego farm it has an approximate height of 30 meters, impressive in the eyes of the visitor, the journey to the waterfall is an adventure where you can walk along natural trails and learn about the flora and fauna of the site.

Here you can visit the waterfall and take tours of the coffee plantations, while enjoying a cup of coffee in the cool climate provided by the location of the property with an altitude of 1175 meters above sea level.

La Yakalwás Dam It is the largest in Nicaragua in the category of Small Hydroelectric Power Plants (PCH), here you can learn about clean energy production, tour the area and photograph beautiful panoramas.

It is located approximately 15 kilometers from the urban sector of the municipality, on the macadam road that leads to the Plan de Grama community.

Tourism rural 

The White Horse Farm, of 26 acres, is dedicated to the production of coffee and basic grains such as corn and beans. It has several attractions that make it interesting to know it. In its environment you can enjoy beautiful landscapes and fruit trees such as oranges, tangerines, lemons and even bananas are observed.

On the farm is the cascada White Horse,a waterfall of approximately 50 meters high, while you walk towards the waterfall you can appreciate the nests of the mythical macuá bird and hear the stories about this bird from the voice of the locals. The image of the White Horse is another attraction, in a rocky formation of immense height the image of the horse is observed and legend has it that King Moctezuma lived in that area.

In the farm there is also a small cave where bats live and in its surroundings there is an immense rock formation where petroglyphs of Caballo Blanco are observed, evidence of the history of the territory.

Collection Center - Cooperativa Flores del Campo

It is located in the Aguas Frías community, it can be reached by public transport, taking the truck that goes from Wiwilí to Plan de Grama or towards the Yakalwás Caves, get off at the El Diamante junction and continue towards Aguas Frías. It is recommended to coordinate the visit with the owner of the farm.

El Collection Center - Cooperativa Flores del Campo, is a local organization made up of 51 partners who are dedicated to beekeeping and produce products such as shampoo, soaps, pollen, multivitamins, and candies, among others. You can visit the Collection Center throughout the year, you can also participate in workshops and honey tasting. It is located in the community of Plan de Grama, from the mother's house ½ c. south and ½ c. To the East.

The Multisectorial Cooperative of Organic Producers of Wiwilí, COMPOW. This cooperative produces organic coffee, conventional coffee, cocoa, rice, basic grains, different types of tubers and bananas. It processes the coffee and the banana, from the latter they make flour.

Banana flour is a very nutritious and medicinal food product, used against diarrhea and gastritis, to improve digestion and nutrition, among other uses.

You can visit and get to know the plantations, as well as observe the processing of coffee and bananas.

If you want to learn about the coffee harvesting process, you can visit the Providencia CooperativeIts members will warmly welcome you, also if you coordinate with them, they can guide you on a tour of the Kilambé hill. It is located in the municipal mayor's office, 2 c. To the East.

Tourist Offer Map


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