The traditional foods They are nacatamales, Indian chicken soup with meatballs, curd, chicken soup with coarsely ground corn, tamale pisque, as well as chilote stews, bean stews, güirilas, rice empanadas and fried foods.

Chicken soup

Chicken soup

En the breads, the favorites are the soft and toasted corn donuts, puff pastries, rosquetes, pupusas, wheat semitas, cookies, rolls, yeast bread and viejita. The Don Mauro Bakery stands out; Yamileth Pastry; Johana Confectionery; Typical pastries and sweets from El Jícaro, Rosquillas San Antonio and Rosquillas de “Doña Teresa”.

In the traditional candy store Rice pudding, coyolito, cajeta de leche, suspiros, torrejas, Pío V, buñuelos, cusnaca de jocotes, ayote in honey, panela, alfeñique, sweet cane, syrups during Holy Week, sweet caramel, jelly stand out. mango, meringue, coyolitos with tamarind or bathed, torrejas de pinol and papaya piñonate.

The drinks and refreshments from the area are corn atol, tiste, pozol, sozolca or fermented chicha, lukewarm pinol rompope and pinol cooked with milk.


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