The first festival is in honor of the Patron Saint Catherine of Alexandria, virgin and martyr. These festivities begin on November 14 with the download of the image and end on the 27 of the same month with the upload, that day the butler offers "bull soup" that has become traditional.

During the two parties, the butler distributes traditional corn-based food and drinks for free: nacatamales, donuts, buns, casserole dough with its local touch, chicha bruja and the inevitable popular liquor known as “guaro pelón”.

Patroness Saint Catherine of Alexandria

Patroness Saint Catherine of Alexandria

The other patronal feast that celebrates is in honor of Saint Sylvester Pope, This festival begins with its descent on December 25 and ends on January 06 with its rise, opens and closes the traditional festivities in Nicaragua.

Saint Sylvester Pope

Saint Sylvester Pope

These days there is one more reason to visit Catarina: its traditional torovenado (which represents daily scenes in a mischievous way for three days, the first being on December 30 dedicated to myths and legends, starting at 08:00 pm and ending at 03:00 am; the second dedicated to children, starts at 02:00 pm and ends at 05:00 pm, and the third is the one on January 11st, the busiest, starting from 00:06 am to 00:XNUMX pm), an indisputable popular expression , loaded with mischief and humor.



The meaning of this demonstration is the ridicule, in a carnival way, of various situations in the daily life of Santa Catarina, of the Nicaraguan social and political groups of the moment. His representation is street and that is why people overflow and participate with great joy.

Key days to visit

The traditional tbull ope It takes place on November 24 on the main street, as well as the ribbon races with the participation of horsemen, and the election of the queen of the patron saint festivities.

One of the characteristics of this festival are the "enramadas"; in the house of the butler they build attractive ones, which are adorned with flowers and fruits brought from the neighboring communities.


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