The Serranías de Yolaina Nature Reserve is located in the lower vertex of the mountainous Central Plateau in the municipality of Nueva Guinea, 10 kilometers south of Bluefields Bay on the South Caribbean Coast.

It was declared a protected area by Decree 42-91, published in the official newspaper La Gaceta No. 207 on November 4, 1991. It has an area of ​​40,000 hectares. It is a more or less broken area, practically uninhabited, covered in its entirety by vegetation of the tropical humid forest and nebliselva, in which species such as royal cedar, male cedar and mahogany stand out.

The climate is humid tropical with rainfall of approximately 3,000 mm per year and a temperature of 24 ° C. The soils are considered in several categories, predominantly red lateric derived from basaltic rocks and low fertility andesites.